Wednesday, December 2, 2015

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!

   Last night we decorated our Christmas tree, it was a sight to see. Hubby was holding the Little One while sitting on the couch and I was trying to contain the Love Bug from opening all the different boxes of ornaments. It was definitely chaos!

   My mother had a wonderful approach to how we decorated our tree, granted I don't know it this actually worked when we were younger as it's more in my recent memory. She would unpack the ornaments, hand us one at a time and we would place them on the tree, that way she was able to keep her ornament boxes all in order and it wasn't mass chaos for us trying to grab the ones we wanted. This is what I had envisioned our experience to be, but then I remembered (after the fact) that I have a rambunctious 4 year old! So what is one to do when you have certain expectations? You calm them down and explain how it's going to work... that didn't work, he was just to EXCITED, so my next best option, I laid out all the non-breakable ornaments and let him go to town. ;) Here's the final result:

    Not to bad! After the tree was decorated, we took a few pictures and the kids went to bed. Peaceful and loving right? Wait for it...Then came the big debate, hence where my Facebook question came in earlier. My husband said, "Lovely, a TACKY tree!!" :(  I could not believe it!! My response, "Why do you think it's tacky?!" His response, "Colored Lights, I think it looks tacky. I prefer white lights, it reminds me of the candles on traditional Christmas trees." 

   Well lovely, thank you for messing up the good memory I had with my child and calling our efforts tacky! That's all good that you like white lights, maybe tell me that rather than telling me our tree looks tacky! I went on to tell him, that I have no problem with white lights, but the idea of a "traditional, old fashioned" tree needs to be let go. We have children and they need to experience the joy of decorating a tree, that includes home made ornaments, babies first Christmas ornaments, ornaments with pictures, etc. I told him, if it really bothered him that much, we could get a smaller "adult" tree for upstairs. Now don't get me wrong, I love the look of traditional trees, we just are not in that stage of life right now. 

   So now that I've thrown in my two cents, what do you prefer "traditional old fashioned" looking trees or "Family Crafted" trees? 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Combating Holiday Burnout

   It's that time of year, the holidays are here! Time to get together with friends and family, for holiday celebrations and parties in general. It's time for food, baking, traveling and vacations. It's a joyous and BUSY time. So how do you prepare for the eventual holiday burnout? Do you prepare for it?
   This is by far my FAVORITE time of year. I love the fall, my birthday is November, my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, followed up closely by Christmas. My memories from my childhood consist of spending time as a family together, enjoy good food and company. We never went on big vacations or traveled very far, but we had each other and that's all that mattered. However, as an adult/parent things are more challenging. Don't get me wrong, I do still enjoy those moments of family togetherness, but now I'm the one that's responsible for creating memories! That's a challenge.

   Among the memory creation, there are also work party obligations, family obligations (both sides of our family live in the same area we do!) and preparation for the holidays. At some point during or after these celebrations I am completely spent, so what is one to do when this happens? Throw in the towel? I don't think so! It's time to get my holiday refresh on!!

   So the first thing I do, is I make sure I carve out a little "me" time. Let's be honest, that time is sacred and hard to find, so this is what I do. One night I put the boys to bed a little bit early and I do what I call a "Hollywood" shower. I get out my "fancy" body scrubs, facial products, shampoos/conditioners and I get in the shower and take my time. I even shave my legs!! Lol!! This shower usually lasts about an hour, not because it takes me that long to take a shower, but because I take the time to breathe, enjoy the hot water and relax. I take my time! Sometimes that's all you need to reset.

    Another way to reset? Sometimes my mind is just so bogged down with dates, times, events, menu planning and activities that it needs a break. One way I learned to cope, I found in college and has since become a popular adult trend... any guesses? Adult coloring books!! The hardest decision you have to make is what color to use on sometime. That's easy, count me in! Plus it is so relaxing for me, more so than doing breathing exercises or yoga!

   Finally, my last way to reset, which I find also to be the most difficult, is to get your workout on! It doesn't have to be anything complicated, but it will make you feel so much better when you are done! Especially with all the food that is consumed this time of year, getting in your exercise should be a priority. :) I'll leave my product list in the comments below. With that being said, what are ways you reset and refresh?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Intentional Parenting

    Do you know what it means to be an intentional parent? For me, it means being present in every decision regarding my children. It means thinking about what they are doing and how it's going to help them in the future. I'll be honest, I am not 100% at intentional parenting. Especially, on the weekends when I just want to get some extra sleep!! It's much easier to hand off the iPad or give him something to keep him occupied for an additional 30 min. But it's a goal, something I work on and strive to reach.
    I'll be honest, this does take some extra time. For me, it's taking the time to plan an activity, or grab items (toys, books, etc) that will challenge my children and help them grow. It's sitting down with them, taking the time to explain why things happen and how things work. It's being honest, when you don't know the answer, but showing them how to find an answer as you do it together.

   If you take the time to look, I'm sure there are moments or even gaps in your day where you can carve out extra time. As a mother that works inside AND outside the home, time is a precious commodity, but I make it happen. My family is my most precious gift, as such, I need to make the time to invest in them. To me, that's what life is all about, your family and the relationships you build with others. Sometimes it will come down to a choice of doing one thing or another, it can be hard, but you'll be truly thankful when you do. Here are a few examples on how I've become a more intentional parent.

    When I'm at home, I'm focused on my family, it's a decision I've made in the last month or so. I've gone on a social networking/computer fast. It's not easy (2 of my businesses are social networking based), but after a while you realize you don't miss it that much. So how do I do it? Easy!! I leave my phone in my purse in another room, my iPad charges when I'm home (upstairs in my room) and the computer is also upstairs. We spend 98% of our time as a family downstairs, so this really makes it easy to accomplish. I'm also trying to make it a technological free zone as well, but my hubby hasn't quite gotten on board with that one yet. ;)

   I like the idealize the times when family got together as for dinner, they sat around the table, spoke about their days and spent QUALITY time together. Sometimes I have this, sometimes I don't, but I'd also like it to extend to our non-meal times. When our children know that the hours between dinner and bedtime is time they get to spend with us. I have a list of activities for this time, but I'd be interested in hearing your ideas! Also, what does intentional parenting look like to you?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

It's been a while...

   So it's official... it's been OVER 2 years since my last blog post and I'll be honest I needed the break. Not that I had been blogging for a long time or anything, but there was so much going on during that time. Again, like all of us, I still have a lot going on in my life, even more than I did previously, but it's time. I've been itching to write, I have a ton of ideas that I've been wanting to share and I'm now part of some amazing communities that I want to share with YOU!

   First, a quick update, a lot has happened in 2 years!! So the hubby, worked through the stress (as did I) of training and has been working at his dream job for the last (almost) 2 years. Love Bug is now in preschool (where has the time gone?!) and he now has a little playmate, not quite yet following him around. I have yet to determine his nickname, as I'm still learning his little personality. He joined our family in June and the Love Bug couldn't be happier. He loves being a big brother!! He loves helping us out and entertaining his little brother.

   I was laid off from my last position due to loss of contract, but I'm still in my same area and field of expertise with a much better company, with better benefits & pay!! Who knew that getting laid off would be a blessing? I'm so glad it was, I still have friends that are struggling. I also now run 2 at home direct sales businesses, all the while working full time and keeping up with my family. That pretty much sums up the recap!

   Now, I'm sure you are wondering, with all of that what make this crazy lady think she can keep up with a blog? Surprisingly, I do have some free time and with what I've experienced the last few years. I've decided I wanted/needed to share. Mothers/Women need to communicate, it's how we are wired, we need to share experiences and I've been missing that a great deal. I have found some new motherhood communities I'm a part of and these women have inspired me. They've taught me that everyone has a voice and to deny that or think I'm insignificant is not right. We all have the right to share our experiences with others. Thus, why I am here again. So, let's get this party started... again! ;)