Monday, August 5, 2013


           This weekend the Love Bug attended his first gymnastics class. Now don’t give me all the credit for getting my son involved in an activity so young, it was actually Grandma’s idea! She has my sister and I in gymnastics at a young age, it was a good way for us to learn discipline and achievement. Not only that, but it got us out of the house and let us run our energy out on unsuspecting gymnastics teachers!

            The Love Bug has endless amounts of energy and he is constantly running, jumping or climbing on anything he can. I’m sure if we had anything remotely close to swing on, he would be all over it. At a recent trip to a friend’s house he was able to experience the joy of jumping on a trampoline. Needless to say, I literally had to climb into it (had enclosure for safety) and pull him out screaming! He DID NOT want to leave. So when grandma suggested the idea, followed by the fact that she would pay for the classes, I was ALL over it!
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            The class was advertised as a Tots class and falls between the Mommy&Me and beginner’s class. However, it was the only class that had no description with it. So we spoke with one of the coaches and she said he could come and try it out, if we BOTH agreed that he was comfortable and fit in the class we would make our 6 month commitment. Well, I’m not sure what you consider a tot age, but I was under the assumption anywhere from 2-3… apparently that is not what the gym considers a tot class. There were kids there that were at least 4, maybe 5 who could already do cartwheels and back handsprings! He was definitely the youngest and least experienced.

         Don’t you think that stopped him though! He was so excited, while we were waiting for the class to start he kept repeatedly saying, “Mom I’m SOOOO EXCITED!” Once the class started, he was off and was so proud to be keeping up with the “big” kids! His sense of accomplishment and achievement radiated through him, it was such an adorable sight to see. It makes me wish that we all could feel that way about at least one thing in our lives.
         So here’s the thought for you today, despite all that may be going on in your life, think of one thing that you did today and take a moment to beam with pride and accomplishment for being able to do that one thing as AWESOME as only YOU can!

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