Tuesday, August 6, 2013


          The concept of this post I’ve debated internally for quite a while now. First of all, faith/God is VERY controversial and was an aspect of my life that I did not want to necessarily divulge or discuss on this blog. My goal with this blog is anonymity, keep the details of my personal life separate, but at the same time give you the flavor of what a modern mom experiences. However after reflection and the experiences I’ve had the last few weeks, I felt I wasn’t being genuine to who I am and what I believe. Here goes…
          With the economy not in the shape it’s been in my family has struggled a bit. The last three years I have been the primary supporter for my family. After my husband’s contract ended with the Marines, he pursued his education, while I supported us. It was a MAJOR discussion we had towards the end of his contract, as I put myself through college I knew how difficult it was to work and complete a degree. I wanted to give him the opportunity I did not have, by letting him forcus on his studies. We both realized it would not be easy to live on one income, even with the GI Benefits he received. Nevertheless we pushed forward.

               A little over a year ago I was hired with a company near our hometown (the husband and I are from the same area), however it was going to be a financial strain as he would not be going to school (thus not collecting the GI Benefits). My in-laws offered to let us rent from them at a reduced rate until we could get on our feet, so for the last year we’ve been living with SIX other people! During this time my husband got a part time job and things were starting to look up, then he was given a full time position. However, it was not where we would be able to support ourselves. As it was full time, his educational pursuits started to suffer and he started to apply for his dream job.
Needless to say, the last six months in my personal life have been pretty difficult. I’ve supported our family to the best of my abilities; I’ve supported my husband through his educational and career pursuits and have worked hard to raise a wonderful child, at the same time trying not to alienate any relationships while with the in-laws. I was ready to go.  After my husband landed his dream job we were able to get out on our own. I’m proud to announce that in 10 days we will be in our own place!
There have been a few close calls that I can only describe as divine intervention. First, with the husband’s dream job came a few expensive purchases that dipped into our savings (for our security deposit). The second issue was the husband’s paychecks have been smaller than we were expecting. Finally the Love Bug’s child care is really expensive (but REALLY GREAT!) and it was getting hard to justify, so we started to look at other less expensive options for him. With all these items mounding as we were preparing to take on a large rent payment, was having me doubt myself and our financial future. It was really scary!
Being faithful individuals, my husband and I prayed about it. Real, honest, soul searching prayer. We both felt we were still doing what was right, so I (can’t speak for my husband on this part) turned it over to God. In the most humbling experience I’ve ever had, I went broken, scared and unsure of what the future would hold, but asked Him for guidance and told Him, that whatever he had in mind, I would follow and trust in Him to provide.
Boy did He ever! We followed through on the promises we made to him and he followed through on providing for us. A large payment we had, was forgiven (unexpectedly and out of nowhere), we resolved the issues with my husband’s paycheck and had discovered that a few months ago we opened a Child Care Savings Account with his employer. So this entire time, he was having deductions made for the Love Bug, we just forgot! So now we do not have to pay for child care for the rest of the year, because we have enough in the account to cover through December! Yes, I’m sure it may seem like coincidences to the average person, but to someone who has been through what I’ve experienced the last few months; this is nothing short of a miracle and a true blessing.
So, whatever your religious affiliation or beliefs may be, know that there is someone out there who loves and cares for you and will never leave you alone. I encourage you to seek for truth and knowledge from things that are lovely, peaceful or of good report, by doing so you can’t go wrong.

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