Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mommy or Mom?

            Its official, I no longer have an actual baby. Although this has probably been the case for over a year (the Love Bug is almost 2.5 y/o), it was solidified today. I feel like I’ve almost lost a piece of my identity and my son has lost a piece of his innocence.

            While getting ready to take the Love Bug to school, I was getting him dressed and he called me Mom. He’s NEVER called me Mom, but ALWAYS Mommy. He didn’t do it once, but TWICE! I didn’t know this would affect me as much as it has… I guess I just thought he would be calling me Mommy a lot longer than this! Or (let’s hope) he’ll use Mommy when he needs comforting. Either way, it makes me sad and I now realize that he’s truly growing up and won’t be my little boy forever.

When did your little ones start calling you Mom v. Mommy?

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